Subsidy projects
We are part of the European Union’s subsidy programmes aimed at supporting businesses

We have been participating in EU subsidy programmes since 2008, repeatedly successfully utilising subsidies aimed at supporting the development of IT companies in the Czech Republic.
We actively seek suitable projects and strive to obtain funds to further develop our company, expand and improve our services.
Overview of currently approved projects

Employee training
Since 2020, we have been implementing the “Vzdělávání Sabris CZ” (Sabris CZ Training) project within the Operational Programme Employment, focusing on development of our employees in the areas of general and specialised IT, languages and soft and management skills.
Project will run until 30 June 2023.
Research and development project
The company Sabris CZ s.r.o. implements a research and development project within the APPLICATION program called Software for production management in the context of Industry 4.0. and registration number: CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 20_321 / 0024630.

Overview of projects implemented in 2009–2020
- Establishment and commissioning of a shared services centre (Sabris Support Centre)
- Development of a SW product with the aim of simplifying communication within our company as well as in the support provided to our customers
- Extension of services provided by the Sabris Support Centre also for customers from abroad
- Operation of the Sabris CZ shared services centre for ICT in 2017–2020
- Development of new innovative Sabris CZ products/solutions in the area of communication/digitalisation and automation
- Development of new innovative Sabris CZ products/solutions in the area of communication/digitization and automation
- The Sabris Training project focused on the development of our employees’ competencies in specialised IT